Monday, June 20, 2011

Today is the first day of the rest of your life...or His mercies are new everyday.

This is the first day I decided to blog about my journey to a healthier lifestyle.  It started 20 years ago, I met my wonderful husband.  He was in great shape, for that matter so was I.  I was only 21 years old.  I met my muscular man, back when he was a firefighter, and I was a flight attendant.  We were both young and didn't much care about what we were putting in our bodies for food or otherwise.  All we lived for was that day. Fast forward 4 years, I got pregnant with out first child, I gained 70lbs. My darling husband, gained few good pounds himself.  Our life was rocky, to say the least.  We were both headed in the wrong direction spiritually and physically.  I starved myself after having the baby, to try to get back into my "Stew" uniform.

Our lives needed a pick me up. Thank you Jesus, we both saw we needed a Savior, and became followers of Jesus Christ.  Our spiritual growth over the years has been a good long marathon, with many ups and downs, but I wouldn't change a thing.  I now know that life without Christ, just isn't worth living.  (more on that later)
As for our physical well beings, well over the years its been what is best for the moment,  what is the quickest, or the cheapest.  It has never been, what is the best for the long term benefit, (for me that is.).  I will try to only speak for me, my darling can blog for himself.

I am now seeing a benefit of long term planning for your health.  It is an investment.  People sock away money in their retirement accounts, 401K's, and investment for the future, why not start right now for your future healthy living.

So to end today's journal...I will end with one tip for what works best for me...drink water, lots of it and all day, carry a water bottle with you and refill it during the day.  Don't wait until your thirsty, by then you are probably on your way to dehydration.  When you are dehydrated, everything slows down, and doesn't work to the way it was created to work.

Hugs, <><
All things work together for good, for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28


  1. Kudos on your comment about water. I drink about a gallon per day and always have my mug (at home) or my water bottle (when out) with me!!

  2. C...This is delightful and I am thrilled that after you saw the light of Jesus, you saw the light of healthy living via good nutrition! Have you read "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle"? I recommend it..not necessarily Christian but wonderfully informative about supporting your local farmer. True story by Barbara Kingsolver about their quest to live off of local produce as a family for one year...but they're still at it years later.
